Our previous website won an armful of awards, and it won us a ton of business, too!! When we first launched that site (back in 2006), it represented a groundbreaking use of Flash technologies. But, that was the problem — it was Flash. An even bigger problem was that we continued to earn new business from this old site, so the motivation to re-build it was slim. Then Flash died, and our site died with it. Seriously — the source file became corrupt, and we could no longer update it. The site became a snapshot of what Bullseye looked like circa 2010. We continued to win work from this dinosaur, even though we knew we needed to make the time to upgrade our own marketing.
You’ve heard the age-old story: The cobbler’s kids have no shoes! The goldsmith’s children have no jewelry! The baker’s offspring don’t get any bread!
Well, enough is enough… We finally said: It’s time to feed and clothe those kids (and give them some gold, while we’re at it)!
After putting in a lot of extra long hours, sweating some blood, and shedding some tears, we finally launched the website you are viewing now — we’re pretty happy with it.